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Boundary Situations and the Problem of the Meaning of Life

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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Témata přednášek

1)      Člověk v mezních situacích; jednotlivé mezní situace: utrpení, smrt, boj, vina (K. Jaspers)

2)      Fyzické a duševní utrpení a otázka jeho smyslu (K. Jaspers, F. J. J. Buytendijk, P. Teilhard de Chardin)

3)      Smrt druhého a naše vlastní smrt (K. Jaspers, P. L. Landsberg, K. G. Jung)

4)      Osoba a smrt; existenciální pojem smrti a autenticita (M. Heidegger, E. Tugendhat, P. L. Landsberg)

5)      Úzkost a zoufalství (S. Kierkegaard, M. Heidegger, J.-P. Sartre)

6)      Víra a naděje (S. Kierkegaard, P. L. Landsberg, G. Marcel, H. Plügge, L. Hejdánek)

7)      Vina jako morální kategorie a jako mezní situace; různé druhy viny (K. Jaspers, M. Buber, P. Ricoeur)

8)      Problém životního smyslu a utrpení z nesmyslnosti (J. Patočka, K. Jaspers, V. Frankl)


The course is intended for students of non-philosophical subjects. It aims at mediating basic procedures of philosophical thinking which enable a man to cultivate and develop the complex understanding of oneself, the world and one’s position in it.

The lectures present philosophical thinking using specific philosophical issues that essentially affect each and every human being. We will focus primarily on the so-called boundary situations, such as suffering, illness, death, guilt, on the basic existential moods, such as anxiety or despair, and on the existential attitudes overcoming them, such as hope or faith.

Special attention will be paid to the problem of the meaning of life and suffering from the absence of it. At the same time, the course introduces thoughts and texts of many important 20th-century thinkers, especially of the representatives of the philosophy of existence or existentialism, personalism, phenomenology, existential analysis or depth psychology.

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