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German. Academic Reading

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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Náplní kurzu je: základy porozumění cizojazyčnému odbornému textu orientace v pramenech německojazyčné literatury v daném oboru práce se slovníkem nácvik dovednosti čtení s porozuměním (globální, selektivní, detailní) nácvik pochopení struktury textu, gramatických souvislostí, lexikálních struktur ve vědecko-akademickém kontextu a jejich významu práce s vlastním odborným textem


The course is designed for students on at least B1 level as a preparation for the Academic Reading exam. The language of tuition is Czech.

The course is conceived as training of basic reading comprehension skills and reading/translation of a scholarly text from student’s own field of study.

NEW from 2021/22, the course ends with an exam and is also interchangeable with the separate exam Academic Reading in the Common Core (ASZNJ2000).

In practice, this means that a student who has the Common Core exam "Foreign Language II - Academic Reading" prescribed in the curriculum can choose to enroll in the stand-alone exam - code ASZNJ2000, or enroll in the course "Academic Reading" - code ASZNJ3050, ending with an exam. The course exam will then automatically fulfill the requirement for the 2nd language exam in the common core (so the student doesn´t enroll for the code ASZNJ2000).

Students who do not need the exam in German as a second language but want to improve their work with professional foreign language texts, expand their vocabulary and become familiar with more complex grammatical structures can also enroll in the course.

We also recommend the course Academic Reading as a supplementary subject in preparation for the oral professional part of an exam B2.

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