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German. Radio UK

Class at Faculty of Arts |

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Příprava a vypracování podcastů - bude upřesněna dle zájmů studentů na začátku kurzu.


Would you like to practise German through a creative project and familiarise yourself with the medium of radio or podcasts? Then welcome! An Austrian lecturer welcomes all participants with a language level of B1/B2.

Together we will work out what components a podcast consists of and how they are built up on each other. We will write texts for listening and do speaking and listening exercises. The idea is to create a podcast for German-speaking students and fill it with interesting episodes. What topics from the Czech student world could be interesting for this? What do students from abroad not know that they should definitely be told? Amounts on travel, internships, housing, student financing, etc. would be possible, for example.

The aim of the course is to create structured contributions on a topic based on interesting and motivating tasks - ultimately the creation of a podcast - and also to playfully expand the relevant vocabulary and practise pronunciation.