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Překlad II (CS-EN)

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BA Translation II

Instructor: Mike Baugh


Phone: 605 255 696

This is a practical class whose goals are threefold: 1.) to improve our – I include myself here – abilities as translators from Czech to English 2.) to prepare you for the daunting English translation section of the BA státnice 3.) to give you a portfolio that you can show potential employers and customers

Texts chosen to meet the first goal will be chosen by me from a broad spectrum of Czech material – ranging from menus to marketing material and contemporary poetry; to help you with the second goal, we will be looking at the type of texts that often appear on the BA exam; you will be responsible for finding texts that interest you for your portfolios.

The nice thing about translating is that people only get better as they get older. Experience counts. So it is in your best interest to come to every class and do every assignment to gain the experience.

Final grades will consist of: 1/3 Three graded translation assignments 1/3 Portfolio (consisting of three external translations of your choice) 1/3 Final exam

As the class meets early in the week, all translation assignments must be uploaded to Google Classroom by 2pm on Sunday, so I will have adequate time to edit and mark them before class.

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