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20th century History of China - Introduction

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Rozpis kurzu:    1. Terminologie, periodizace

Benjamin Anderson: Imagined Communities (Ch. 2 - Cultural Roots)

Ernst Gellner: Nations and Nationalism (Ch. 2 - Culture in Agrarian Society, Ch. 3. - Industrial Society)   2. Reformy sklonku dynastie Qing (1644 - 1911)

Chuzo, Ichiko. "Political and Institutional Reform, 1901-1911."The Cambridge History of China, 10: Late Ch’ing, 1800-1911. Part 2. Ed. John King Fairbank and Liu, Kwang-Ching. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1980. 375-415.   3. Nacionalismus a revoluce

Zarrow, Peter. China in War and Revolution, 1895 - 1949. London: Routledge, 2005. (Ch. 3. - Ideas and Ideals in the Fall of the Qing)   4. Politický systém Čínské republiky (1927 - 1949)

Eastman, Lloyd E. "Nationalist China during the Nanking decade 1927-1937." The Cambridge History of China, 13: Republican China, 1912-1949. Part 2. Ed. John King Fairbank and Albert Feuerwerker. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986. 116-167.

Zheng Yongnian: The CCP as Organizational Emperor. (Ch. 3 - From Individual to Organization)   5. Komunistické hnutí před rokem 1949 (1921 - 1949)

Zarrow, Peter. China in War and Revolution, 1895 - 1949. London: Routledge, 2005. (Ch. 16 - Mao, Maoism and the Communist Party)   6. Vznik ČLR a ustavení státní moci (1949 - 1957)

Ch’en, Jerome. "The Communist movement 1927-1937." The Cambridge History of China, 13: Republican China, 1912-1949. Part 2. Ed. John King Fairbank and Albert Feuerwerker. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986. 168-229.

Weatherley, Robert. Politics in China since 1949. Legitimizing Authoritarian Rule. London: Routledge, 2006. (Ch. 1 - Legitimizing the New Regime)   7. Velký skok a raná 60. léta (1958 - 1966)

Weatherley, Robert. Politics in China since 1949. Legitimizing Authoritarian Rule. London: Routledge, 2006. (Ch. 2 - Mass Participation and Mass Legitimacy)   8. Kulturní revoluce

Weatherley, Robert. Politics in China since 1949. Legitimizing Authoritarian Rule. London: Routledge, 2006. (Ch. 3 - A Crisis of Legitimacy.)   9 - 12. Soudobá ČLR

Deng Xiaoping a počátky reformního období (80. léta)

Vývoj po roce 1989.

KS Číny a legitimita.

Státní aparát ČLR.

Ideologie, propaganda a cenzura

Politická reforma.

Pátá generace vůdců.    

Dillon, Michael. Contemporary China. An Introduction. New York: Routledge 2009. (Ch. 15 - Government and Politics; Ch. 16. - Fourth- and Fifth Generation Leadeship)

Dillon, Michael. China’s Rulers: The Fifth Generation Takes Power (2012-2013). London: Europe China Research Advice Network, 2012.

Fewsmith, Joseph. "Reaction, Resurgence, and Succession: Chinese Politics since Tiananmen." The Politics of China. Sixty Years of The People´s Republic of China. Ed. MacFarquhar, Roderick. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. 472 - 531.

Guo, Sujian. Chinese Politics and Government: Power, Ideology and Organization. London: Routledge, 2012. (Part IV - Political Ideology)

Saich, Tony. Governance and Politics of China. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. (Ch. 3 - China under Reform, 1978 - 2003; Ch. 4 - The Chinese Communist Party; Ch. 5 - The Central Governing Apparatus)

Shambaugh, David. "The Chinese State in the Post-Mao Era." The Modern Chinese State. Ed. Shambaugh, David. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. 161 - 187.

Wang, Zhenxu. "Hu Jintao's Power Consolidation: Groups, Institutions, and Power Balance in China's Elite Politics." Issues and Studies 42.4 (2006): 97-136.

Weatherley, Robert. Politics in China since 1949. Legitimizing Authoritarian Rule. London: Routledge, 2006. (Ch. 5 - New Era New Crisis - Problems of Legitimacy in the 1980s)

Zheng Yongnian: The CCP as Organizational Emperor. (Ch. 5 - The Party Domination of the State; Ch. 6 - Hegemonization over Social Forces)

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Kurz seznamuje posluchače s obecnými dějinami moderní Číny od konce 19. století do současnosti. Zvláštní pozornost je v průběhu přednášek věnována historii Komunistické strany Číny, politickým dějinám a státnímu aparátu Čínské lidové republiky, modernizaci politických institucí a tématu politické reformy v Číně.

Podmínkou získání atestace je docházka (80%) a složení dvou písemných testů (v polovině a na konci semestru).