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Microbiology and Immunology 1 D

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |


Basic characteristics of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Antiinfectious imunity, active and passive immunisation. Basic properties of bacteria, virulence factors, toxins and toxinoses. Antibiotics. Disinfection and sterilisation. Basic priciples of virology. Pathogenesis of viral infections. Food-born infections, infectious hepatitis, respiratory tract infections, sepsis, CNS infections, STI, intrauterine and perinatal infections. Hospital-acquired infections. Bioterrorism. Sample collecting.

Practicals and selected demonstrations: Native and stained slides, culture media and use of cultures, different types of bacterial colonies, detection of toxin production, basic serological methods, diagnostics of viral infections, antibiotic susceptibility testing, sample collection kits.


Description of basic properties of bacteria, viruses, pathogenic fungi, and parasites. Principles of antiinfectious imunity mechanisms and immunisation.

The most important human pathogens, their possibilities to invade and harm the host, pathogenesis of selected infectious diseases .

Collecting specimens for microbial diagnostics and basic detection techniques. Antibiotics. Disinfection and sterilisation. Hospital-acquired infections.