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Summer Physiotherapy Field Work 1

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |

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Studenti mají možnost vyšetřit si pacienta, provést návrh intervence (na základě znalostí získaných v předmětu Vyšetřovací a terapeutické postupy ve fyzioterapii 1), vyzkoušet si vedení individuální i skupinové terapie, a to pod odborným dohledem zkušených fyzioterapeutů vybraných klinických zařízení.


The aim of the practice is to introduce students into the organisation structure and operation of various departments, and with activities of individual team members. Students learn how to work with the medical and physiotherapy documentation at the departments, how to report medical and scoring system to health insurance companie and another procedures and administration managed by physiotherapists in the workplace.

Students will try how to approach individual patients, e. g. to examine a pacient under the suppervision of experienced therapists, draw conclusions for further therapy. To apply the theoretical basics of examination methods and therapeutic procedures in practice.