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Tropical Diseases 2

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |


Epidemiology, clinical course, diagnostics and therapy of febrile (malaria, trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis, enteric fever, leptospirosis, relapsing fever, rickettsioses, dengue, yellow fever etc.), diarrheal (bacillary and amoebic dysentery, cholera, salmonellosis, giardiasis, travel diarrhea, tropical sprue etc.), hepatic (viral hepatitis, amoebic and bacterial liver abscesses, hydatidosis) and skin diseases (cutaneous leishmaniasis, mycoses, leprosy etc.) in tropics. Helminthic and opportunistic tropical infections, including HIV and AIDS.

Travel vaccination and prevention of malaria before travel to the tropical countries.

Specific problems of internal medicine, general medicine, pediatrics and acute medicine in the tropics.

Clinical rounds with patients at the Department of infectious diseases and at the Travel Clinic.

Practical demonstrations: Diagnostics of blood, intestinal and tissue parasites.


Specific problems of internal medicine, pediatrics, ophthalmology, dermatology in tropics. HIV, AIDS and opportunistic infection in tropics.

Travel medicine. Problem-based learning of Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases.

Lectures: Viral infections in Pediatrics, Molecular bases of virulence. PBL tutorials: Boy with haematuria, rash and abdominal pain, Boy with fever and anemia.