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Medical Ethics and Philosophy of Medicine 1

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |


1. Introduction

2. Conflict of interpretations and its application in medicine, hermeneutics

3. Categories of ethics (inspiration from religion and theology)

4. Categories of ethics (conscience and responsibility, guilt and sin)

5. Principles of philosophy and philosophical ethics

6. Justice in the nature and society

7. Ethical principles of democracy and human rights

8. Philosophy of medicine

9. Suffering and meaning of life

10. Ethics of pain

11. Categories of good and health, norm and normality

12. Ethics of erotic relations

13. Quality of life in the history ? classical

14. Quality of life in the history ? modern

15. Credit


Structure of the will, main interpretation models, dignity, formal and normative ethics, ethical question of clinical practice: problems at the beginning and end of life, health care justice, research and experiment, transplantation, informed consent, codes.