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Class at First Faculty of Medicine |


Basic properties of bacteria, their virulence factors, pathogenesis of infections. G+ and G- cocci, G+ and G- rods, Mycobacteria, Mycoplasmas, Chlamydiae, Rickettsiae, Spirochets.

Basics of medical mycology and parasitology Desinfection and sterilization, Antimicrobial drugs and strategy of therapy. General and special virology, pathogenesis of viral infections, immune mechanisms of the host, vaccination.

HIV, HAV,HBV,HCV,HDV,HEV, Herpesviridae, Neurotropic viruses, Viral diarrhoeas. Respiratory Tract infections, Sexually transmitted infections.

Infections with exanthemas and other skin and mucose manifestations. Oral Cavity microbial flora and infection processes Diagnostic Techniques in medical microbiology


Course provides basic knowledge of general and medical microbiology, special dental part of microbiology, virology, mycology and parasitology, most important human patogens, their properties, diagnostics, immunization, antibiotics, antibacterial and virostatic therapy, vaccination. Microbiological apects of oral cavity microflora , special dental microbiological profile.

Methods of treatment. Practice: techniques of sample collection of biological materials, methods of identification, stategy of antibacterial therapy - antibiotic centre, antibiotic policy, interpretation of results of laboratory investigation.