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Hygiene and Epidemiology

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |


Dentistry - Course Syllabus

Toxicology Basic terms and definitions of hygiene and epidemiology; history note, primary prevention, adaptation, acclimatization, induction of tolerance, vaccination, health promotion, MONICA, CINDI, and further programs, Secondary and tertiary prevention. Forms, objectives, practice. Men and environment versus importance of lifestyle for human health. Local & global problems.

Epidemiological method of work. Descriptive studies; the basic characteristics of person, place and time. Analytical studies - cohort studies, case-control studies. Advantages and disadvantages, examples. Experimental studies - ethical problems of experiment. Clinical control study, field control study. Method of blind experiment. Natural experiments. Risk, incidence density, population time (person-years). Associations in analytical studies: risk difference, risk ratio, rate ratio, odds ratio.

Statistics. Introduction in statistical methodology. Descriptive and inductive statistics, statistical induction. Types of random samples. Quantitative and qualitative variables. Measures of location and variability. Gaussian distribution. Planning of epidemiological studies. Principles of statistical hypotheses testing. Evaluation of epidemiological studies. Tests of hypotheses in four-fold table. Contingency table and Chi-square distribution. General principles of measuring statistical dependence.

Process of infection spreading; nosocomial infections. Process of infection spreading ? characteristic. Elimination, eradication. Etiological agents ? pathogenicity, virulence, toxicity, invasiveness, resistance, infection dose. Links of the process of spreading infection. Source of infection.

Nosocomial infections - Specific & non-specific; exogenous and endogenous. Occurrence, aetiology, sources, ways of spreading. Prevention and repression. Risk factors.

Antiepidemical measures; immunization. Antiepidemical measures in the focus of infection. Principles of surveillance. Analysis of surveillance data.

Immunization: importance, Herd immunity. Immunization programmes. Types of vaccines, requirement, contraindications. Organisation of vaccination.

Epidemiology of infectious diseases. Importance of infectious disease in history and now. Global incidence. Diseases transmitted by alimentary way. Contact infections of the skin and mucous membranes. Diseases transmitted by air.

Lifestyle ? smoking. Smoking epidemiology; health impact of tobacco use, different kinds of tobacco, definitions, passive smoking, composition of tobacco smoke, environmental tobacco smoke. Principle of smoking ? psychobehavioural and social dependence.

Epidemiology of malignant tumours. Incidence & mortality of cancer in different part of the world, special sites of cancer important in different parts of the world; potential risk factors ? non-susceptible/susceptible: chronic infections, smoking, diet; IARC classification of carcinogens, some examples of classified carcinogens.

Lifestyle ? nutrition I. Food composition, significance of specific nutrients and food groups. Infant & young child nutrition.

Water. Water and health: physiological importance, water metabolism, requirements on the quality of drinking water and related health hazards. Drinking water treatment, fluoridation, disinfection, ozone, UV radiation, filters. Preparation of drinking water in emergency situations. Self-cleaning capability of surface water, recreational waters and related health risks. Water-born infections. Waste water treatment ? principles. Health risks of waste water improper treatment.

Physical factors of environment. Noise, vibrations, non-ionising radiation, lighting, UV radiation, ionising radiation, climatic factors.

Occupational hygiene in health services. Basic principles in occupational hygiene. Hygienic requirements on working environment. Acute exposure to industrial poisons. IARC classification of carcinogens. Occupational exposure to dust, toxic metals and organic solvents, effects and health protection. Occupational disorders due to exposure to physical agents. Occupational hazards of work in health facilities, health protection.

Disinfection, sterilization. Sterilisation - physical, chemical methods and control. Disinfection ? physical, chemical methods.

Lifestyle ? nutrition II, Credit. Food safety. Malnutrition, alternative diets.


Issues concerning the hygiene of work environment with the emphasis on dental practices - ergonomics, hazards, prevention. Toxicological issues in the dentistry.

Nutrition as a factor influencing mouth diseases and pathologic processes in mouth, recommendations, prevention. Physical factors occurring in a dental surgery (light, noise, vibrations, ionising radiation, microclimatic factors), hazards, possibilities of prevention.

Methodology of epidemiology, general epidemiology, epidemiology of tumours, epidemiology of infectious diseases, nosocomial infections, immunization related to stomatology. Life-style risk factors.

Capability to diagnose selected avitaminoses, poisonings etc. manifested in the mouth, to provide basic preventive nutrition recommendations according to found deficiencies. Capability to assess one's own work related hazards.

Mastering of basic epidemiologic methods indispensable for hygienically safe operation of a stomatologic surgery and for solving occurring epidemiologicalsituations.