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Internal Medicine - Clinic 1

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |


The main aim is to obtain the basic knowledge in internal medicine with special respect to the needs of stomatologists. First semester will be concentrated on taking medical history, physical examination and forming diagnostics and thepapeutic plans of the patients with internal diseases.

Writing medical reports. During other semesters the various specific areas of internal medicine will be covered with special stress on common diseases and acute illnesses, together with its recognition and solution, together with manifestation of internal diseases in oral cavity and in stomatology in general.

Last part will cover diferential diagnosis of selected internal topics with respect of stomatology. The education will be situated at clinical basis of First Medical Faculty, under the coordination of the head of this course.

Medical history, physical examination, diagnostic and therapeutic plan. Clinical picture of common internal disease and its specification for stomatology, therapy of acute internal diseases.