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Evidence Based Practice

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |

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Bc. Zuzana Rodová, M.Sc.


MÍSTNOST: Výuková místnost na KRL (Albertov 7, Praha 2, 128,00)  


Úvod do Evidence Based Practice (EBP)

Základní terminologie

Strategie pro hledání evidence

Kritické hodnocení, ergoterapeutické časopisy, databáze. Formulace klíčových slov.

Problem-based learning (PBL)

Bariéry v zavádění EBP do praxe. Shrnutí naučených poznatků.


Evidence Based Practice (EBP) is currently an important topic, not only in the field of medicine (Evidence Based Medicine), but also in paramedical professions including occupational therapy. According Taylor (2007) EBP is using the best current relevant scientific knowledge for deciding about the type of care.

Students will learn the history of EBP, how to search for information and how to use it in therapy with a specific client/patient. During lectures students will gain basic knowledge about strategies for finding evidence (research articles) in different sources, with a critical assessment, formulation of key words and occupational therapy journals and databases.

They became familiar with Problem-based learning (PBL) and drawing Mind maps and learn how to use them in the context of EBP.