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Oral Histology and Embryology

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |

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Ústní dutina, stavba sliznice, zvláštnosti topografických oblastí ústní dutiny.

Zub, stavba zubu, zubní tkáně, zubní pulpa.

Parodont, popis histologických složek, gingivodentální uzávěra, gingiva, fyziologické změny parodontu.

Embryonální původ tkání, vývoj a diferenciace zárodečných listů.

Vývoj obličeje, stomodeum, rozštěpové vady.

Vývoj dutiny ústní a nosní, vývoj patra.

Vývoj krční oblasti zárodku, vývoj faryngového střeva. Žaberní oblouky, branchiogenní orgány.

Vývoj jazyka a štítné žlázy. Vady způsobené chybnou diferenciací žaberního aparátu (cysty a píštěle).

Vývoj zubu, prořezávaní zubu, vývojové vady.

Vývoj lebky, osifikace neurocrania a splanchnocrania, vývojové anomalie.


This course provides an extension of basic knowledge of histology, microscopic anatomy and embryology of the head and neck, which is an important basis for the study of dentistry.

It covers the following topics:

Introduction to oral histology and methodology of processing of the hard tissues. Microscopic structure of the tooth

- enamel (structure, age changes, caries), dentin (structure and clinical significance), cementum (structure and clinical significance) and dental pulp (structure, age changes and functions). Differences in the composition of deciduous and permanent teeth. Microscopic structure of periodontium, its function and clinical significance.

Microscopic structure of the alveolar processes and clinical aspects of their reconstruction. Microscopic structure of the oral mucosa and its regionalization. Description of the lining of the hard palate, the lips and cheeks, the soft palate, the base of the oral cavity, the ventral surface of the tongue and the alveolar mucosa, description of the specialized mucosa of the dorsal surface of the tongue. Taste. Microscopic structure of the gums, sulcus gingivalis, epithelial attachment (junctional epithelium), clinical significance of the gums. General structure and overview of the salivary glands of the oral cavity. Large salivary glands of the oral cavity - structure and description.

Saliva. Development and differentiation of germinal layers.

Stomodeum and facial development. Development of the oral and nasal cavities. Development of the atrium of the oral cavity. Development of the palate and nasal septum. Development of the upper and lower jaws.

Tongue development. Tooth development (primordial stage, dental sac and dental cup). Development of dental crown and root. Tooth eruption.

Timeline of deciduous teeth eruption, timeline of permanent teeth eruption. Development of alveolar processes and periodontium.

Development of the salivary glands of the oral cavity.