Bronchology - diagnostic and therapeutic methods - lecture
Bronchology - diagnostic and therapeutic methods - practicals
Chest thoracentesis and drainage, cytology
Lung Functions and sleep related breathing disorders
Diagnostic and therapeutic chest surgery - types of thoracic surgical procedures, indications - lecture
Diagnostic and therapeutic chest surgery - practicals
The elective subject for those interested brings extended teaching of respiratory medicine, mainly in the area of endoscopic diagnostic methods and interventional procedures in pneumology (thoracocentesis, chest drainage). It also introduces pneumological cytodiagnostics, which can be used for a quick diagnosis during bronchoscopy.
It also introduces the issue of diagnostic and therapeutic surgical procedures. The subject has a balanced theoretical and practical part, the students will be divided into small groups for the practical part.
The elective subject shows the complexity of the subject respiratory medicine, which is a modern internal discipline with an overlap into surgical and morphological fields.