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Psychological aspects of acquired brain injury

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |

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Vedoucí předmětu: Mgr. Zuzana Piťhová kontaktní e-mail:  

Výuka bude probíhat na Klinice rehabilitačního lékařství, Albertov 7, Praha 2 (místnost: přízemí, Kino, v čase 16.30-18.45)

Získané poškození mozku a jeho následky

Emoce a diagnostika emočních obtíží po získaném poškození mozku

Přístupy v rehabilitaci a terapii emočních problémů po získaném poškození mozku

Základy krizové intervence

Etika ve výzkumu a při práci s lidmi po získaném poškození mozku, psychohygiena a prevence syndromu vyhoření


The aim of this course is to introduce the issue of acquired brain injury from the perspective of psychology. The changes in emotivity and behavior are common after acquired brain injury, which complicates the readaptation of an individual to his environment.

Compared to cognitive problems, these changes are not so greatly regarded because their complexity requires care in the context of its special neuropsychological treatment. These changes and their concequences will be explained to the students. One of the topics of this course will be emotions and the diagnostics of emotional problems. Different aproaches in rehabilitation and therapy of these problems will have its place.

The basics of crisis intervention, which can be useful in difficult situations with clients, will also be discussed. Another important subject of study will be mental hygiene and the burnout syndrome.

The course will end with the chapter on ethics in research and work with clients after acquired brain injury. The exact concept of the lectures can be adjusted according to the actual demands of the students.