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Preventive Dentistry - Dental Hygiene

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |

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* Přednášky:

1. Úvod - záchovné zubní lékařství

2. Biofilm - plakem podmíněná onemocnění zubů

3. Mezizubní prostor výběr pomůcek a techniky čištění

4. Ostatní plochy zubů - výběr pomůcek a technik

5. Solo technika - pomůcky a jejich využití

6. Ústní hygiena a její vliv na celkové zdraví * Praktika:

1. Mezizubní prostor - kalibrace a nácvik technik

2. Ostatní plochy zubů - nácvik technik, opakování a kontrola mezizubního čištění

3. Solo technika - nácvik technik opakování a kontrola mezizubního čištění a čištění ostatních ploch

4. Opakování a kontrola mezizubního čištění a čištění ostatních ploch a solo techniky

5. Kontrolovaná dentální hygiena na pacientech


The environment of the oral cavity as the microbiotop for oral microorganisms, dental plaque, fundamentals of oral hygiene, clinical examination of the oral cavity and the quantification of risk factors, laboratory tests of caries and periodontal risk, fluorides in dental caries prevention, chemopreventive and chemoprophylactic means, nutrition in dental caries prevention, principles of minimuml intervention in restorative dental care, pit and fissure sealing and prophylactic fillings, technologies of the removal of surface enamel integuments and dental calculus, concept of the complex oral prevention, fundamentals of oral epidemiology, community oral health care, systems of oral health care, risk population groups and oral diseases, WHO Program ?Health 21? and goals for the improvement of oral health, medically compromised individual and oral health, recent epidemiological situation in the Czech Republic and in other European countries, analysis of community risk factors of oral health impairment, analysis of the actual epidemiologic data and basic parameters of oral health care, fundamentals of decision process in the concept of preventive measures, preventive programs and preventive interventions, technologies and means employed in the prevention and prophylaxis of dental caries and periodontal diseases; elementary practical skills in the diagnostics of initial periodontal diseases, in the quantification of dental plaque and dental calculus, in the individual methods of tooth cleaning and in the interactive communication with a patient in preventive, hygienic and nutritional counselling.