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Ultrasound of the Abdomen - Tutoring

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |


First week (50% theory, 50% practice) - basics (physical principles, types of probes, artifacts, how to hold the probe, how to examine an organ, machine descriptions, M-mode, Doppler mode); Practising the orientation on kidney, IVC and aorta

Second week (90% practise, 10% theory) - kidneys and spleen (anatomy, orientation, measurement) + basic pathologies (free fluid in Morrison pouch, splenomegaly, hemangioma, cysts, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis)

Third week (90% practise, 10% theory) - liver (anatomy, measurements, orientation, finding jumping deer, venous star, gall bladder) + how to examine the liver systematically + basic pathologies (steathosis, metastasis, hepatomegaly, hemangioma, cirrhosis, portal hypertension, venous congestion)

Fourth week (90% practise, 10% theory) - patho-quiz (we present ultrasound pathologies where the students will guess the pathology) + revision of liver, spleen and kidney

Fifth week (90% practise, 10% theory) big vessels + pankreas (anatomy, orientation, measurements) + common pathologies (aneurysm, dissection, pancreatitis, carcinoma, nutcracker syndrome)

Sixth - Seventh week (90% practise, 10% theory) - EFAST (anatomy of lungs, pleura, sliding, revision of Morrison and Kollers pouch); revision of all parts (free practising), patient examination

Eight week - students present abdominal ultrasound examination + credit


Course contains 8 worshops during which the students gets aquainted with the basic principles of abdominal ultrasound with practical and individual approach. Praxis in ultrasound investigation will be the main part of this course.