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Biophysics and Medical Physics

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |


* Structure of matter:

Wave properties of particles, quantum properties of waves;

Quantum numbers;

Emission, ionization and excitation;

Structure of electron shells in atoms;

Atomic nucleus;

Binding energy in atomic nucleus;

Potential barrier of atomic nucleus;

Physical principles of mass spectroscopy;

Physical principles of nuclear magnetic resonance, Magnetic resonance-Relaxation, MR spectroscopy, Magnetic resonance-Image Formation, Force interactions.

* Molecular biophysics:

International system of units, transformation of units;

Phase states of matter;

State equation of ideal gas;

Kinetic theory of gases, Equipartition theorem, Bernoulli equation, equation of continuity;

Law of Laplace;

Gibbs´s phase rule, phase chart of water;

Liquid crystals;

Water as solvent;

Dispersion systems and their classification;

Properties of colloid particles;

Dialysis, Principle of electrophoresis, electrokinetic potential;

Transport phenomena;

Viscosity and its measurement;

Diffusion, 1. law of Fick;

Surface tension, adsorption;

Colligative properties of solutions;

Osmotic pressure;

Blood pressure measurement, Starling´s hypothesis.

* Thermodynamics:

Thermodynamic system, state quantities;

First law of thermodynamics;

Second law of thermodynamics;

Definitions of thermodynamic functions (U, H, S, F, G);

Chemical potential;

Thermoregulation in organisms; pV diagram;

Measurement of temperature;

Calorimetric measurements;

Specific heat, latent heat.

* Physical and physiological acoustics:

Physical properties of acoustic waves;

Acoustic impedance;

Doppler’s effect;

Sound intensity and loudness, units;

Field of hearing;

Weber-Fechner´s law in acoustics;

Ultrasound generators;

Physical principles or diagnostic use of ultrasound.

* Audiometry Optics in medicine:

General classification of electromagnetic waves;

Planck´s law, Stefan-Boltzmann and Wien laws;

Lens equation;

Extinction, Lambert-Beer law;

Scattering of light;

Dispersion of light;

Refraction and its use in spectroscopy;

Interference and light reflection;

Refractometry, Polarimetry;

Biophysics of vision;

Eye defects;

Absorption spectral analysis;

Optical properties of colloids;

Principle of laser;

Optical and electron microscopy.

* Electricity in medicine:

Coulomb´s law, permittivity;

Intensity of electric field, Electric current, voltage, resistance, impedance and their measurement, units;

Rest membrane potential;

Sodium-Potassium Pump;

Electrochemical potential;

Measurement of el. conductivity in solutions;

Action potential and its detection;

Action potentials of heart muscle and their detection;

Electric current and organism;

Use of electricity in diagnostics;

Use of electricity in therapy.

* Use of X-rays in medicine:

Production of X-rays, energy spectra;

Control of the energy and intensity of X-rays;

X-ray apparatus;

X-ray absorption;

X-ray contrast;

Use of X-rays for diagnostic purposes;

X-ray therapy;

Depth dose;

Principle of computed tomography, Roentgen methods, Principle of Computed Tomography;

Reconstruction algorithms;

CT scanners - principle.

* Radioactivity and ionising radiation:

Radioactive decay; alfa, beta and gama radiation;

Radioactive equilibrium;

Physical, biological and effective half-life;

Principles of detection of ionising radiation;

Detectors of ionising radiation;

Scintillation detector;

Geiger-Muller tube;

Accelerators of particles;

Ionisation chamber;

Methods of personal dosimetry;

Units of exposition and absorbed dose of irradiation, Gamma camera, Positron emission tomography, Single photon emission tomography.


Structure of atom, molecular biphysics, bioenergetics, thermal technique in medicine, biophysics of electric manifestations and of the effects of electric current, biomechanics, bioacoustics, optics, X-rays, ionizing radiation.