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Veřejné zdravotnictví a medicínské právo - předstátnicová stáž

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* Public health: concept of public health, global public health. Health and health determinants. Basics of medical demography; measurement of population health, data sources and the main indicators used in national and international health policy. Leading causes of mortality in international context. Health-related quality of life. World health systems in international comparison, current trends. Health and health system in the Czech Republic. Health policy in the European Union (EU). European Health Consumer Index: assessment of quality and effeciency of the health systems in Europe. Health promotion, disease prevention and health literacy. World Health Organization (WHO) and its role in public health; WHO policy framework, strategies and programmes.

* Medical law: legal issues in medicine in a global context. Basics of medical law in the EU. The main areas of the EU legal health regulation, cross - border health care. Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine and its application in health care. Legal aspects of patient-doctor relationship; patient rights. Informed consent, medical confidentiality. Medical malpractice.

* Social healthcare:

Social structure and health and health inequalities: inequalities in health status, inequalities in access to health services. Vulnerable social groups. Social health care and community care. Social geriatrics. Social paediatrics: the main risk factors in child health development, syndrome CAN, foster and institutional care. Social health care for elderly and integrated community care. Chronic morbidity, disability and its social consequences in older people. Demographic aging and longevity and consequences for health policy and health care. Migration, ethnicity, and health.

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Gaining a comprehensive overview of issues of public health, medical law and social medicine. Emphasis is placed especially on information that reflects current issues of public health and medical law in practice, focusing on the widest possible use of acquired knowledge in the exercise of the medical profession.