1. Psychology in dentistry
2. Health care provider-patient relationship, how to develop working aliance
3. Health care provider´s personality and its effect on his work, how to deal with emotions
4. Principles of communication with the patient - principles of effective communication, roots of mistakes in communication, typical mistakes in communication in dentistry
5. Principles of communication with the patient - types of interview, initial phase, exploration
6. Principles of communication with the patient - providing of informations, conclusion
7. Helping professions` issue
8. Burn-out syndrom - its nature, how to diagnose and prevent it
9. Suicidality, individua lat risk of suicide, how to intervene
10. Treament cost`s and treatment availability for a patient discussion
11. Dental anxiety“ how to deal with patient suffering from pathological anxiety
12. How to communicate with upset or aggressive patient
13. Psychological crisis a psychological first aid
14. Psychological work with patient`s negative feelings - pain and anxiety
15. Developmental specifics of a child as a patient, communication with children
Výuka má za cíl uvést studenty do oboru lékařské psychologie, osvojit si základy psychologického myšlení, získat nejdůležitější psychohygienické a sociální dovednosti, které jsou nacvičovány v podobě konkrétních aplikací ve stomatologii.