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Prázdninová praxe - stomatologická

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* Syllabus for the Summer Clerkship of students in the study programme of dentistry - 4th year of studies

/ 4 weeks /

The procedures done by the student during the placement will be confirmed by the respective health care institution in the List of Practical Procedures.

- Examination of the patient

- Description of an x-ray (separate oral, bite wing, OPG, x-ray status)

- Evaluation of risk of dental focal infection

- Differential diagnosis in conservative dentistry

- Drawing up a plan of treatment

- Project of prosthetic treatment

- Instruction in home oral hygiene

- Topical treatment of mucosal lesions (aphtha, herpes, denture sore under removable prosthesis)

- Removal of dental calculus

- Impression for general overview

- Analysis of a study model

- Training in particular steps of disinfection and sterilization in a dental surgery

As the scope of services in the given surgery allows:

- First aid in dentistry, treatment of acute pain: anaesthesia (infiltration and basal), ordinary extraction of a tooth treatment of pulpitis, periodontitis, detached tooth incision of intraoral abscess, ?

- Preparation techniques in conservative dentistry

- Assisting in surgical procedures (extraction, surgical extraction, apicectomy, insertion of implant, ?)

- Particular stages of prosthetic treatment

- Adjustment and repair of removable prostheses

- Provisional splintage (external adhesive splint)

We certify thereby that the student.............................................................................................. passed the prescribed holiday practice on our ward and that he/she fulfilled the above requirements in the term from.............................................. till..................................................

Name of the institute....................................................................................................................

Name of authorized person..........................................................................................................

Official title..................................................................................................................................


Signature and Seal.........................................................................................................................


Cílem kurzu je seznámit studenta se základními principy klinického vyšetření a léčení stomatologických pacientů. Komunikace na profesionální úrovni, osvojení efektivní organizace práce, akceptování bezpečnostních předpisů.