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Oral Epidemiology Basics

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |

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* Introduction to oral epidemiology

Importance of oral health data; methods of data collection; epidemiologic studies and statistical investigations; basic indicators of oral health and treatment need

* Indicators of caries experience and dental status

Epidemiologic definition of dental caries; caries experience and dental status; DMFT/dmft, DMFS/dmfs, distribution of dental caries; Restorative index

* Indicators of periodontal status

Quantification and demonstration indices; Indicators of gingivitis (GI, PMA, PBI and others);

Indicators of dental plaque (OHI, Plaque index and others); Indicators of periodontal disease (PI, CAL, CPI, CPITN)

* Indicators of dental care

Data sources; Indicators of dental check-ups; Indicators of the primary dental care

* Epidemiology of oral diseases in the Czech Republic and other EU countries

WHO Global Oral Databank and other data sources; reference age categories;

Programme ?Health 21? and goals in oral health by 2010; Epidemiologic data in oral health from CZ and other EU countries

* Psychometrics and sociometrics in oral epidemiology

Questionnaires, interview; psychomteric and sociometric constructs; oral health beliefs, attitudes and behaviour; dental fear