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Special Histology and Embryology

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |


B1308 - Special histology and embryology


Cardiovascular system -

- Heart - o endocardium, myocardium a pericardium o histological structure of nodal cells and Purkyně fibers

- general assembly of blood vessels

- capillaries, types and function

Gastrointestinal system -

- liver - structure and function, hepatocyte - morphological and biochemical structure and function

- gall bladder, gall ways

- salivary glands - classification, structure and function

- general architecture of gastrointestinal tract

- oral cavity, tongue

- oesophagus

- stomach

- small intestine

- large intestine, appendix

- anus

- biochemical cytology of enterocyte

- endocrine cells associated with gastrointestinal tract (DNES)

System of breathing -

- mucous membrane of breathing ways

- epiglottis and larynx, structure and function

- trachea and bronchi

- lungs, morphology, histological structure, haemorespiration barrier

Urinary system -

- general overview of structure

- kidney - cytology a function of nephron

- collecting tubules, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra

Male reproductive system -

- testis, spermatogenessis (spermatocytogenese a spermatohistogemese)

- vývodní cesty pohlavní u muže

- male genital ducts, structure and function

Female reproductive system -

- general overview of structure

- ovarium, ovulary cycle

- oviduct

- uterus

- menstrual cycle

- endometrial biopsy

- vagina, histophysiology of vaginal mucosa, exfoliative cytology

Integumentary system -

- structure and function of skin , keratinisation

- dermal glands, classification, structure, function

- mammary gland, cytophysiology

- hair

- nail,

- melanocytes a melanogenesis

Nerve system -

- cytoarchitectonics a myleoarchitectonics of brain cortex

- cerebellum

- spinal cord

- neural ganglia and paraganglia

- periferal neural endings

Sensory organs -

- eye, structure, function

- inner ear

- čichová sliznice

- chuťové pohárky

Embryology -

- Blastogenesis - o fertilisation o cleavage and development of blastocyst o implantation o development of yolk and amniotic sacs o notogenesis o development of mesenchyme o of placenta a foetal membranes o development of umbilicary chord o structure and function of placenta, haemoplacentary barrier o anomalies of placenta and umbilicary chord

- Organogenesis - o Development of cardiovascular system -

- cardiac loop, cardiac septa and valves

- aortal arches

- primitive circulation

- foetal cicrulation

- anomalies of heart and large vessels o development of gastrointestinary system -

- farynx a branchiogennic organs

- stomodaeum, growth, transformation and

- primitive intestinal system

- rotation of the umbilical loop

- development of liver, pancreas and lien

- body cavities mesenteria o development of urogenital system -

- pronephros, mesonephros, metanephros

- gonads

- genital ducts o nerve system

- medullary tube, morphogenesis and histogenesis

- spinal chord

- brain vesicles

- neural crest and its derivatives

- periferal nerves o development of sensory organs

- eye

- ear

Seminars and practical courses

Cardiovascular system -

- structure of arteries (muscular and elastic type)

- structure of veins and veins of muscular type

Lymphatic system -

- thymus, lymphatic nodules, lien

- lymphatick vessels

Gastrointestinal system -

- lip, tongue, tonsilla lingualis et palatina

- oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestinea, anus, appendix

- salivary glands, liver, pancreas, gallbladder a gall ways

Urinary system -

- kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra

Male reproductive systëm -

- testis, nadvarle, funiculus spermaticus, glandula vesiculosa, prostata, penis

Female reproductive system -

- ovarium, corpus luteum, oviduct, uterus, endometrium, cervix uteri, vagina

Integumentary system -

- thick and thin skin, nail, axilla, mammary gland

Nerve system -

- brain, cerebellum, plexus choroides, spinal cord, vegetatie and sensitive ganglions

Sensory organs -

- eye, lacrimary gland, eyelid

- Corti organ

Embryology -

- blastogenesis - o growth in utero o development of external features o estimation of age of foetus o parturition, external features of full-term baby o twins o anomalies of development a inborn malformations

- organogenesis o face and neck o anomalies of facial development o differentiation of stomodaeum, development of teeth, palatal clefts o axial skeleton and development of extremities o skeletal musculature o endocrine glands