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Physiology 2

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |


Physiology Labs Syllabus - Summer semestr 2018/2019 (B81404 DENTISTRY)

Syllabus for Dentistry Summer semester 2018/2019 ( B 81404)

PhysLabs are scheduled (every other week) for Thursday 14:15-15:45   



Thursday date  1

Introduction, Semester organization, Biosignal, Biomodel 21.2.2019 3

Vision 7.3.2019 5

Neurophysiology for dentistry 21.3.2019 7

Metabolism, glycemia, animal model 4.4.2019 9

Dean´s Day 18.4. 2019 11

Revision test 2.5.2019 13

Revision discussion 16.5.2019 15

Consultation, credit 30.5.2019              


Credit requirements: to get the summer semester credit dentistry student can lose 2 points maximum (only one of them could be spent on “tests”). Attendance points and tests points are not interchangeable in summer semester.      

Kidney and Body Fluids, Fundamentals of Renal Physiology, Glomerular Filtration

Epithelial Transport, Filtrate Processing in the Tubules, Clearance

Mechanisms for Controlling Extracellular Fluid Osmolality

Excretion and Regulation of the Sodium, Potassium, and Urea, Micturition

Body Acid-Base State and Its Regulation

Endocrinology, The Cellular Biology of Endocrine System

Neurohypophyseal Hormones, Neuropeptides, Growth Factors

Control of the Calcium and Phosphate Balance

Adrenocortical and Thyroideal Hormones

Adrenal Medulla, Endocrine Rhythms

Pancreas and Regulation of Carbohydrate Metabolism, Adipocytal hormones

Reproductive and Hormonal Functions of the Male, Sexual Differentiation

Reproductive and Hormonal Functions of the Female

Anterior Pituitary

Pregnancy and Lactation

Fetal and Neonatal Physiology

General Prionciples of Neuronal Functions

Synaptic Transmission, Neurotransmitters

Membrane Potentials, Role of Dendrites, Integrative Function of Neuronal Circuits

Sensory Processes

Somatic Sensations, Pain

Auditory System

Gustation and Olfaction

Visual System

Sensory Processing

Control of Movements, The Spinal Motor Control, Reflex Arc

Striated muscle

Control of the Posture, Eye Position, Locomotion, Chewing

Voluntary Movements, Motor Functions of Cerebral Cortex

Motor Functions of Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia

Autonomic Nervous System

Hypothalamus, Smooth muscle

Limbic system, Reward system

Integrative Functions of the Central Nervous System

Integrative Functions of Cerebral Cortex in Humans

Learning and Memory

Association Functions of the Cerebral Cortex

Development of neuronal circuits, Neuroplasticity

Milleu of the CNS, Blood Brain Barrier

Body Rhythms

Waking and Sleeping

Optimality in Physiological Mechanisms

Summary and Revision


The Physiology subject is read in winter and summer semesters. There are 37 lectures in winter semester and 42 lectures in summer semester. The lectures in the winter semester include physiology of the cell, general neurophysiology including physiology of muscles, blood, circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems. In the summer semester, regulation in which kidneys, the endocrine system and central nervous system take part are dealt with.

Practical labs is aimed at verification of theoretical knowledge and at training certain skills through investigation of some functions of the human organism and their regulatory mechanisms as well as through experiments on animals. Computer models and patient simulators complement the labs. There are 15 lab sessions in winter semester, each one lasting 4 teaching hours (60 teaching hours altogether) and 8 lab sessions in summer semester. The conditions for gaining the credits in either semester include active work in particular practical and a successful outcome of the revision tests.