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The Compulsary Eligible Subject General Practice Course is organised for English speaking students by the Institute of General Practice of the 1st Faculty of Medicine.

The course starts with an opening seminar at the Institute. Then students are refered to teaching practices in Prague.

The clerkship in general practice consists of afternoon sessions with GP trainer, usually once in connsecutive 6 weeeks.

During this clerkship students have opportunity to be a part of a practice team, to practice clinical skills and to focus on selected topic of general practice. The first three sessions serve to student to become familiar with the organization and clinical approaches in general practice.

After an assessment and discussion with the trainer, a student continues for another three sessions with a particular interest on a specific aspect of care.

The finding is then discussed with the trainer.

The student´s experience is then discussed at the closing seminar.

The exact time of the opening and closing seminar will be available from website