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Practical Course of Preparation of recombinant proteins as a basis for structural biology

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |


Practical Course of Preparation of recombinant proteins as a basis for structural biology


Preparation of recombinant proteins as a basis for structural biology (Ing. Ivan Mikula, Ing. Marie Zikánová, PhD)

Expression systems, Protein overexpression in the bacterial cells, Isolation and purification of proteins- different chromatographic purification techniques, Protein detection, Concentration measurement, "...what to do further with the protein?"



Practical Course of Preparation of recombinant proteins as a basis for structural biology


It is a practical course focused on the basic proteomical techniques. The course is meant for highly motivated students of 3. to 6. year of general medicine studies, who plan to continue as a PhD students, and for PhD students, who can take advantage of these techniques during their lab work.

The course will be held in Czech (the English course will be announced for the next semester). The maximum capacity is 6 students. There will be 3 consecutive days of both theoretical and practical exercises, each about 6 hours, using the equipment of labs at the UDMP, Ke Karlovu 2, Prague 2.

For the credit students need 100% presence. The course will be acknowledged to the PhD students after individual consultation with the appropriate counsel. It is already approved for the Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry and the approval is in the pipeline for Biology and Pathology of the Cell.

The exact terms of the courses will be announced during the winter and summer semester via