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Practical course of confocal microscopy: multiple fluorescent labeling, deconvolution, co-localization, 3D reconstruction

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |


see the following link of the 2007 Course (Czech language document)-


Practical course of confocal microscopy: multiple fluorescent labeling, deconvolution, co-localization, 3D reconstruction.

This course aims at current techniques of light microscopy (confocal in special), image restoration and image analysis in cell biology. The course is intended for highly motivated 3.-6. year pre-graduate students who consider future Ph. D. studies, or for Ph.D. students in disciplines using these techniques. The course is lectured in Czech language (for additional details see below) during three successive afternoon sessions held in the premises of the Microscopy Unit of the Institute of Inherited Metabolic Disorders - Ke Karlovu 2, Praha 2, budova A2, 2.patro ( The course includes both theoretical as well practical training in visualization of fluorescently labeled fixed samples and live cells. Additional integral part of the course is the practical use software for image restoration (deconvolution) and image analysis.

Participants of the course will be selected from all applicants on the basis of a short letter of motivation (max. 200 words). Prerequisite of the credit assignment is the full-time presence during the course (approx. 18 hours).

The course has been accepted by the Ph.D. studies Board in Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry, preliminary acceptance was given by the Cell Biology and Pathology Board. Acceptance by other Boards depends on the individual agreement of the participant and the particular Board. Exact dates of the course will be released in the first third of both winter and summer semester via www pages of the First Faculty of Medicine - Charles University in Prague( ).

With respect to the specificity of the course, English and Czech applications will be evaluated equally, every applicant should state his ability to follow lecturing in Czech. The final language selection will be done on the basis of the spectrum of language usage of selected participants.