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Practical Microscopy

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |




Week     1.

Endocrine glands - functional morphology of endocrine cells.

Spleen, thymus, lymph node, palatine tonsil. Set G 2.

GIT 1 - liver and biliary tract - cytology and functional morphology of hepatocyte

Endocrine glands. Slides E1-E6. 3.

GIT 2 - oral cavity. Structure of the tooth.

GIT1 - Salivary glands and pancreas, liver and gall bladder. Slides B6-B9;B18-B20. 4.

GIT 3 - gut tube-general structure. Mucosa of the stomach.

GIT2 - Organs of the oral cavity - lip, tongue, tooth. Slides B1-B4. 5.

GIT 4 - mucosa of the small intestine, functional morphology of enterocyte.

GIT3 - Oesophagus, stomach. Slides B10-B13. 6.

Respiratory system. Mucosa of the respiratory airways. Mucociliary complex. Respiratory epithelium and its functional morphology.

GIT4 - Gut, anus, appendix. Slides B14-B17; B21. 7.

Urinary system. Kidney, functional morphology of nephron.

Respiratory system - epiglottis, larynx, trachea, lung. Slides D1-D4. 8.

Male reproductive system - cytology of spermiogenesis, hemotesticular barrier, functional morphology of male reproductive passages.

Urinary system, kidney, urether, urinary bladder, urethra. Slides C1-5. 9.

Female reproductive system - morphological features of ovarian and menstrual cycle.

Testis, epididymis, funiculus spermaticus, glandula vesiculosa, prostate. Slides C6-10. 10.

Integumentary system - functional morphology of the skin and skin appendages.

Ovary, corpus luteum, oviduct, uterus, vagina. Slides C11-17. 11.

The nervous system - CNS (brain, cerebellum, spinal cord). Hematoencephalic barrier.

Thick skin, thin skin, axilla, nail, mammary gland. Slides H1-H6. 12.

The nervous system - PNS (nerves, ganglia, peripheral nerve endings).

CNS - Brain, cerebellum, spinal cord, Slides L1-L6. 13.

SensoryorgansI.Structure of the eye-retina.

PNS - Peripheral nerve, autonomic ganglion, spinal ganglion, muscle spindle. Slides L7-L11. 14.

Sensory organs II. Structure of the inner ear (organ of Corti, macula statica, crista ampullaris), olfactory mucosa, taste buds.

Credit slide test

Eye, inner ear, olfactory mucosa, taste buds. Slides S1-S7. 15.

Experimental morphology - free topic.