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Oral Histology and Embryology

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |


Oral cavity and its content. Structural specialization of oral mucosa. Histological structure of lip, tongue, gums, palate and tonsils. General structure and function of the oral salivary glands, saliva.

Teeth and their structure. Specialized tissues of teeth - enamel, dentin, dental pulp, and cementum.

Supporting tissues - periodontium (periodontal ligament), alveolar bone, gingival mucosa and junctional (attachment) epithelium.

Introduction into embryology. Development of germ layers. Neural crest and its derivatives.

Head formation, stomodeum, pharyngeal arches.

Formation of face, development of the oral and nasal cavities.

Derivatives of the pharyngeal arches, clefts, and pouches.

Development of the tongue and of endocrine glands derived from stomodeum and from the primitive pharynx.

Development of teeth. Early tooth development, epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during tooth development. Amelogenesis, dentinogenesis. Development of the root and periodontal ligament. Tooth eruption.

Development of the skull, neurocranium and viscerocranium.

Congenital defects of the orofacial region. Facial clefts and palatal clefts. Birth defects involving pharyngeal region.


This subject is extending the basic knowledge in histology, microscopical anatomy and embryology in the areas of head and neck as an important basis for dentistry studies. It covers following topics: Introduction to oral histology and methods of examination of hard tissues. Microscopical structure of the tooth – enamel (arrangement, aging, caries), dentin (arrangement and clinical relevance), cementum (arrangement and clinical relevance) and dental pulp (arrangement, aging and function). Differences between the structure of deciduous and permanent teeth.

Microscopical arrangement of periodontal ligament, its function and clinical relevance. Arrangement of an alveolar bone, clinical aspects of its remodelling. The structure of oral mucosa and its regionalization. Characteristics of palatal mucosa, characteristics and description of mucosa of lips and cheeks, soft palate, tongue and gums.

Taste sense. Microscopical structure of gums, sulcus gingivalis, epithelial attachment, clinical relevance of gums.

General structure and survey of oral salivary glands. Big salivary glands – characteristics and description. Saliva.

Development and differentiation of germ layers. Stomodeum and facial development. The development of oral and nasal cavities. The development of oral vestibule. The development of palate and nasal septum. The development of upper and lower jaws. The development of the tongue. The development of the tooth (developmental stages, the tooth bud and the tooth cap). The development of the tooth crown and of the root. Tooth eruption (timing of single deciduous teeth eruption and the formation of the permanent teeth and the timing of their eruption). The development of alveolar processes and of the periodontal ligament. The development of salivary glands.

Congenital defects of the orofacial region.