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Clinical skills

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |


The course will comprise 5 meetings per semester (one every other week). The classes will take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and shall typically start at 2 p.m. All the details will be discussed during the intro meeting.

Clinical Skills Eligible study years: 4, 5, 6.

Schedule: 90-minute lessons, once every second to third week (depending on the number of students registered).

The students will be allocated to groups of maximally 5.

Syllabus: Essential clinical skills will be taught with emphasis on providing practical experience. The course will be focused on practicing those skills listed under “General Skills” in the Logbook, namely: 1. Taking basic observations including HR, temperature, BP, oxygen saturation 2. Venepuncture 3. Cannulation 4. IM injections 5. SC injections 6. IV injections 7. Injection of local anaesthesia 8. Setting up an IV infusion 9. taking ECG 10. measuring blood sugar 11. blood type testing 12. inserting urinary catheter (on a dummy)

There will be short introduction outlining important concepts and steps in performing each skills, with practice on the students themselves. Students will observe a demonstration first, then assist with the procedure, and then they should perform the procedure with adequate supervision. The course should be very clinically oriented. The above skills must be practiced on patients or volunteer students. Emphasis should be placed on teaching students to perform basic procedures safely and skilfully.

Requirements for credit: Attendance of lessons. No absences will be tolerated.

Goals: By the end of the course, students should feel confident performing the above procedures. They also should have received opportunities to obtain signatures for performing the skills listed in their Logbooks.