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Biomedicine and biotechnology

Class at First Faculty of Medicine |


1) Speaker: Prof. MUDr. Karel Smetana, DrSc. CELL BIOLOGY I: Tumor ecosystem Title: Role of cancer microenvironment in the control of tumor biology including metastazation Cancer-associated fibroblasts.

2) Speaker: Prof. Tomáš STOPKA MD, PhD CELL BIOLOGY II Title: Stem cell biology versus proliferation and differentiation control. Regulatory mechanisms in normal cell differentiation including transcription factors and their effector pathways. Biology of stem cells and tissue transplantation. Regulation of cell cycle and its detection.

3) Speaker: MUDr. Ondřej Havránek, PhD GENETICS: Cancer genomes and genome editing technology Title: Cancer associated acquired DNA mutations and their role in tumor development, progression, and therapy resistance. Consequences for interaction of tumor cells with immune system. Use of genome modifying technologies to create models for cancer research and options for therapy.

4) Speaker: Assoc.Prof. RNDr. Jiří Petrák, PhD CLINICAL PROTEOMICS

5) Speaker: Ing. Milan Jakubek, Ph.D. EPIGENETICS Title: Importance and potential of epigenetics for the Modern Medicine

6) BIOCEV visit / lecture of invited speaker

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This subject focuses on educating students in biomedical research and biotechnologies. It teaches the basis of scientific work, introduction to methodology in biomedicine up to the development of novel diagnostics and therapeutics.

Lectures and seminars will contain the insight into modern tools such as transgenic biology or global technologies such as OMICs.