Impression procedures and impression materials
Reasons and preventive aspects of treatment with removable dentures
Preparation of teeth before prosthetic treatment - post core restorations of pillar teeth
Kennedy and Voldřich classifications compared with other ones
Dental plastics and ceramics
Dental alloys
Laboratory materials
Planning of RPDs, parallelometer
Tooth-born RPDs and saddle RPDs.
Acrylic dentures and overdentures
Construction elements of RPDs
Retention elements of RPDs - clasp and non-clasp system
RPDs - Chairside and laboratory working procedures
RPDs - CAD/CAM workflow
* Lectures:
Impression materials and techniques for RPDs, scanners.
Kennedy classification I - IV. Types of dental defects, biologic quality of teeth and dentition.
Examination of the patient - planning of removable partial dentures (RPD).
Overdenture - teeth-born and implant-born. Study models - analysis, surveyor.
RPD with metal framework - clasp system, stable base.
RPD with metal framework - types of attachments, sophisticated attachments, principles of conus technology.
CAD/CAM technologies - milling, sintering, printing.
Materials used for RPD - metals, alloys, plastics, ceramics.
Preparation of teeth and jaws before prosthetic treatment.
RPD - laboratory working procedures.
Acrylic denture, immediate denture, modification for implants.
RPD - chairside working procedures, conventional procedures and digital workflow.
Repairs of RPD, relining procedures.
Potential oral health risks of RPD, importance of prevention and recall.