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Cellular Basis of Medicine

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Detailed information about lectures, seminars and practicals are available at

Courses of the winter semester                                                                                                                                                

Course 1  -  Cell structure and heredity

Course 2  -  Cell metabolism and specialisation                                                                                                                                                                 

Courses of the summer semester                                                                                                                                                 

Course 3 - Cell signalling and immunity                                                                 

Course 4 - Cell cycle and development               

The following list of lectures sumarizes topics from which test questions are randomly generated (see Requirements for the exam):

Course 1 - Cell structure and heredity

History of Life on Earth

Structure of prokaryotic cell

Genetics of prokaryotes

Structure of eukaryotic cell, organelles

Composition of intracellular fluid, pH

Laboratory analytical methods

Basic building blocks of cells

Structure and properties of proteins

Protein functions


Overview of tissues

Epithelial tissues I (classification)

Structure of nucleic acids

Genetic code, genes, genome

Structure and function of cell nucleus, chromatin

Chromosomal basis of heredity

Origin of genetic variability

Principles of heredity, Mendelian principles

Gene linkage

Variability and changes of genetic information, mutations I

Variability and changes of genetic information, mutations II

Genetic determination of sex

Monogenic traits and disorders

Gene interactions

Multifactorial, polygenic traits and disorders

Phenotypes, genotypes, population genetics

Cytogenetics I – numerical chromosomal abnormalities

Cytogenetics II – structural chromosomal aberrations

Differences from Mendelian heredity – imprinting, dynamic mutations

Methods of chromosomal study, postnatal and prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis

Genetics in medicine, genetic counselling, prevention and treatment of genetic disorders

Structure and function of membranes

Transport across membranes, membrane potential

Intracellular transport of substances

Extracellular matrix, cell adhesion and cell junctions

Biotechnology, gene manipulations and gene therapy

Special methods of histology to distinguish tissues and cells

Methods of protein analysis I  

Course 2 - Cell metabolism and specialisation

What fuels our cells?

Chemical reactions in metabolism


Coenzymes, vitamins, trace elements

Inhibition of enzymes, use in farmacology

Mitochondria - structure and origin

Electron transport chain and ATP formation

Krebs cycle

Epithelial tissues II (glandular epithelium)

Epithelial tissues III (barriers, transport)

Degradation and synthesis of glucose

Pentose phosphate cycle, metabolism of fructose and galactose

Degradation of lipids, ketone bodies

Energy storage in cells

Muscle tissue

Cell motility and molecular motors

Metabolism of amino acids I.

Metabolism of amino acids II.

Metabolism of muscle cells, muscle contraction

Regulation of metabolic pathways at the cellular level

Energy metabolism - the overview

Morphology of blood elements


Biochemistry of erythrocytes

Iron and heme metabolism

Biochemistry of leukocytes, thrombocytes and hemocoagulation

Components of blood plasma and their functions

Connective tissue

Metabolism of connective tissue

Cartilage, bone and ossification

Enzymopathy - inherited metabolic disorders

Biochemical correlations of monogenic disorders

Newborn screening

Extreme situations in cells  

Course 3 - Cell signalling and immunity

Extracellular signalling

Extracellular signalling molecules

Cells producing signalling molecules

Steroids and their blood transport

Metabolism of hormones

Signal transfer into cell, membrane receptors

Intracellular signalling and signal execution

Signalling pathways I

Signalling pathways II

Signalling pathways III

Endocrine signalization and its disorders

Nervous tissue, structure of synapse

Nutrients as signalling molecules

Transmission of the information in the NS - the synapse, action potential

Synthesis and degradation of neurotransmitters

Neurotransmitters and their receptors

Receptors in pharmacology

Pharmacology of signalling molecules

Function of immune system, natural and adaptive immunity

Cells of nonspecific immunity, phagocytosis

Leukocytes - surface molecules, cytokines, antibodies

Complement system and inflammation

Eicosanoids and the pharmacology of inflammation

MHC molecules, antigens

Tissues and organs of the immune system

B and T cells Development

Immune reactions based on T cells and NK cells

Immune reactions based on B cells and antibodies

Methods of protein analysis II


Inherited disorders of immunity

Methods for testing immune response  

Course 4 - Cell cycle and development

Cell Cycle

Regulation of cell cycle

Metabolism of nucleotides

DNA replication and reparation

Transcription and translation

Methods of DNA analysis I

Regulation of gene expression

Methods of DNA analysis II

Gametogenesis and fertilization

Cell differentiation and senescence


Regulation of apoptosis

Blastogenesis, implantation, placenta

Notogenesis, neurulation

Embryonal development

Regulation of early development

Human reproductive genetics, preimplantation diagnosis

Developmental toxicology, pharmacotherapy during pregnancy

Renewal and repair

Stem cells, organ substitution

Biochemistry of ageing (ROS, glacation)

General toxicology

Biotransformation of xenobiotics


Mutagenes and carcinogenes in environment

Structure of viruses

Interactions of viruses with cell

Oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes

Chromosomes and tumors

Cellular transformation and tumor cells

Oncogenetics, precancerous conditions and familial tumors

Principles of cancer therapy

Human genetics

Human epigenetics

Molecular and genetic mechanisms of evolution

Human evolution


Module Cellular Basis of Medicine ("module Cell") consists of four courses - two in the winter semester and two in the summer semester: Course 1 - Cell structure and heredity (8 weeks), Course 2 - Cell metabolism and specialisation (7 weeks), Course 3 - Cell signalling and immunity (7 weeks), Course 4 - Cell cycle and development (8 weeks). The teaching in this module is carried out by the Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular biology, Department of Histology and Embryology, Department of Medical Genetics and Department of Immunology and Clinical Biochemistry.