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Medical Biophysics and Informatics

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Structure of matter - elementary types of forces in nature, atom - its structure and characteristics, elementary particles, atomic nucleus and atomic shell

Bioenergetics - heat, temperature and its measurement, control of body temperature, utilization of cold and hot in medicine

Biomechanics and kinesiology - biomechanics of tissue, biomechanics of blood circulation, respiration, effect of mechanical forces on organism, therapeutic effect of mechanical energy

Electric current - electric properties of tissue and organs, electric current conduction in tissue, action potential - bioelectric manifestation and use in diagnostics, electric current in diagnostics and therapy, electric current injury

Optical and thermal radiation - radiation properties, optical radiation sources and detectors, optical methods and measurement, visible light, theory of color vision, adaptation to light and dark, eye and eye defects, ultraviolet and infrared radiation, medical use of thermal energy, biophysics of thermoregulation

Acoustics - basic terms, physiological acoustics, outer middle and inner ear, audiometry, noise effects to organism, infrasound, ultrasound, generation and biological effects of ultrasound, diagnostic use of ultrasound, therapeutic use of ultrasound

Radioactivity - natural and artificial radioactivity, characteristics of ionizing radiation, types of radioactive reactions, interaction of ionizing radiation with matter, biological effects of ionizing radiation, protection against ionizing radiation, detection of ionizing radiation, use of ionizing radiation in diagnostics and therapy, Chernobyl and atomic power plants, irradiation sickness, nuclear power supplies, nuclear weapons

Ecological biophysics - effects of atmospheric pressure on human body, effects of decreased and increased atmospheric pressure, biometeorology, effects of mechanical energy on human body, Biological aspects of aerospace traffic, biological aspects of space crafts, overload and a weightlessness, magnetic field, cell phones, effects of coldness on human body

Introduction to nuclear medicine - definition of discipline, radio-pharmaceutics, radio-nuclide in diagnostics, detection techniques in nuclear medicine, principle of scintillation detector, devices for personal and protective dosimetry, use of gamma-camera, PET, SPECT.

Introduction to radiology - principle of X-ray tube, bremsstrahlung and characteristic radiation, detection of X-ray radiation, contrast materials, CT, NMR.

Physical properties of new materials - materials s with recovery, use of collagen-based materials in substitution therapy

Detail description of all lectures and practical exercise are found on the website:


The course of medical biophysics is aimed at physiological and pathological phenomena and processes in human medicine and physical principles of diagnostics and therapy in medicine. Mechanisms of physical factors influencing man health are discussed.