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Introduction to Clinical Medicine I.

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


General topics:

1)     Hospital environment, hospital units, hygiene-epidemiological regime (hand washing)

2)     Making a HCW - patient relationship, communication

3)     Basic patient assessment (taking vital signs, risk prevention)

4)     DVT prevention, leg bandages

5)     Taking care of bedridden patient, prevention of pressure ulcers

6)     Medication administration (p.o., injectable)   Communication skills:

1)     Patient and his needs (case seminar  - how to lead a patient interview)

2)     Specifics of communication within healthcare environment


The goal of the subject Introduction into clinical medicine is to gain insight into the healthcare practice through personal experience, and facilitate introduction into clinical propedeutics, following the course Cell. The ICM course is made of the lectures, seminars and practicakl exercises.

The specific goals for the students are:

- meet the patients/clients, practice communication (první kontakt s nemocným), get to know the environment of hospital and community care,

- training of the basic clinical procedures in school laboratory,

- training of the communication skills - form relationship with the patients, perform interview, assess the patient's needs

- implement the learned skills during the practice in a community care setting,

- cooperate with other members of healthcare team (interprofessional learning).