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Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


LECTURES   1. Statistical concepts and terms, statistical inference

Statistics in medical sciences

Logic of statistical reasoning (observations vs. hypotheses)

Important steps in the application of statistics

Types of variables

Descriptive statistics (characteristics of location and variability)

Probability, distribution

Population - sample, sampling techniques

Representativity of the sample

Point and interval estimation, standard error

Confidence interval

Principles of statistical testing

Statistical hypothesis and significance level

One-sided and two-sided hypotheses

One-sample, two-sample, and paired tests

Parametric and nonparametric tests

Testing hypotheses concerning the location (t-test, Wilcoxon test, analysis of variance)

Interpretation of results of statistical procedures   2. Statistical  methods in medical research

Contingency and 2-by-2 tables, methods for comparison of proportions

Chi-square test, Fisher’s and McNemar’s tests

Basic types of studies used in epidemiology and related statistical models for their evaluation

Vital statistics, rates and ratios

Odds ratio, relative risk, attributable risk

Confounding, bias, precision

Association between two variables: correlation, regression

Advanced statistical methods in epidemiology (logistic regression, censored data, survival analysis)

Mathematical tools for planning surveys and experiments, sample size determination  

 PRACTICALS       1. Statistical concepts: types of variables, probability distribution (binomial, Poisson, normal), population and sample, sampling methods, characteristics of location and variability, standard error, histogram, point and interval estimation, confidence interval 2. Statistical inference: testing statistical hypotheses, p-value, significance level

Statistical tests for continuous variables: parametric and nonparametric tests, t-test and Wilcoxon test (one-sample, two-sample, paired), analysis of variance (ANOVA), F-test 3. Statistical tests for categorical variables: contingency table, chi-square test, McNemar’s test

Statistical methods in epidemiology: epidemiological measures of risk and corresponding confidence intervals, confounding, interpretation, evaluation of data from surveillance and registries 4. Statistical association: correlation, linear regression, logistic regression

Survival analysis: clinical trials, Kaplan-Meier curve, log-rank test

Planning surveys: power of statistical test, sample size determination, type I and type II errors

Practical use of statistics: statistics in published medical papers

Credit test


The subject covers introduction to biostatistics, principles of statistical reasoning, testing, and interpretation of the analyses.