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Introduction to Clinical Medicine III - Propedeutics in Medicine

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Teaching comprises of mandatory seminars and clinical training.

Seminars.  Eight seminars covering propaedeutic of internal medicine and its basic subspecialties will take place. Attendance, which is mandatory, will be registered by teachers in attendance sheets that will be distributed to students during the first seminar.

Propedeutics in cardiology. Medical history and examination in cardiovascular diseases

Ecg, principles, normal curve, basic pathological changes

Propaedeutics in gastroenterology. History and examination in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Propedeutics in pneumology. History and examination in respiratory diseases

Propedeutics in Nephrology. History and examination in diseases of uropoietic apparatus

Propaedeutics in rheumatology. History and examination in rheumatological diseases

Propedeutics in Endocrinology and Diabetology. History and examination in diseases of endocrine glands

Propedeutics in hematology. History and examination in diseases of hematopoietic apparatus

Clinical training will take place at clinical wards of the Medicine departments. Students will be distributed to particular wards and teachers during first day of clinical classes. The aim of clinical classes is to learn and practice history taking and physical examination of patients. Second aim will be also to learn basics of laboratory, imaging and other methods used in internal medicine with the stress on their principles, basic indications and contraindications, basal findings and preparation of patients. Attendance will be registered by teachers (stamp and signature) in attendance sheets that will be distributed to students during the first class.

Introduction to propedeutics, documentation, patient access, communication with patients and professionals, clinical cases reporting


Basics of physical examination, examination of general condition and vital functions

Examination of head and neck

Examination of the chest and breast, including the heart and lungs

Examination of the abdomen, including per rectum and examination of the kidneys

Examination of limbs, vascular system, spine

Symptoms and syndromes in diseases of the cardiovascular apparatus

Symptoms and syndromes in diseases of the respiratory system

Symptoms and syndromes in diseases of digestive and uropoietic tract

Symptoms and syndromes in diseases of endocrine glands


Dear colleagues, following the adoption of a crisis measure restricting any form of presence teaching, including examinations, the examination in propaedeutics is also canceled until further notice. The new schedule with dates will be announced after the crisis measures have been released, sufficient ammount fo slots will be opened. You will be informed about this in due time.

Existing dates remain, although it is likely that they will not be able to be implemented given the duration of the crisis measures.

I understand that the situation is difficult for you, but believe that it is our priority that all those who have the credit are able to take the exam this academic year.

We will keep you informed about the situation.


Jan Gojdaa

!!! Notice !!!

Teaching and examinations during the course of frontal study interruption (MH 10.3.).

The remaining practices will be replaced by self-study. For this purpose, presentations from last topics (general laboratory examinations, basic clinical evaluation of findings on heart, lung and abdomen X-ray, ECG) will be uploaded to the vyuka portal in the near future. Each assistant, after consultation with his or her group, can provide an online consultation at the time of the last planned practice. Students will arrange these individually with their assistants.

Credit (originally intended to be a patient examination and a medical record writing) will be replaced by a case report. The scope and assignment will be provided to students by their assistant in the near future. After granting the credit it is possible to apply for the exam, the dates will be scheduled from the second week of April.

The examination will take place as planned and scheduled in SIS. Students will come to the secretariat of the 2nd dept. of Medicine, after checking all documents will be divided into individual clinics to the examiners. The practical part, which consists of demonstrating the skills of physical examination, will be carried out by students examining each other (originally students should demonstrate skills on patients). This is subject to their oral consent. In case of disagreement or other worthy consideration, it will be up to each examiner to verify the practical skills. Theoretical exam will be standard.

Jan Gojda, 11.3.2020


Internal propaedeutics is an introductory subject for further study into internal medicine. Within its framework students will acquire the basic knowledge and skills necessary for the examination of the patient. These include approach to the patient, taking of medical history, physical examination and basics of complementary examinations. The student will become familiar with the main symptoms and syndromes so that he / she is able to make a working diagnosis of the patient.