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Nephrology, urology, rheumatology and geriatrics

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


I/ Syllabus nephrology   

Basic classification of the kidney diseases

Review of the symptomatology of the kidney diseases

Basic epidemiological data of patients with kindey diseases

Laboratory and other tests in nephrology

Acute kidney injury

Chronic kidney disease

Differential diagnostic seminar

Kidney and the vascular diseases

Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis

Chronic glomerular diseases

Infections and the kidneys

Tubulointerstitial kidney diseases

Renal replacement therapy :


Peritoneal dialysis

Kidney transplantation        14. Pathophysiology of the kidney      15. Pharmacology of the kidney and urinary tract    

    II/ Syllabus urology  

Examination methods in urology

Imaging procedures in urology

Clinical urology

Non-neoplastic diseases of the urinary bladder and urethra  

Tumours of the urinary bladder

Endoscopic diagnostics

Benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis

Tumours of the prostate


Diseases of external genitals

TBC in urology/ non-neoplastic diseases of the kidney  

III/Syllabus of rheumatology   

Symptoms of rheumatic diseases  ( pain, arthritis, extra-articular features )

Basic classification of RD

Basic assessment of RD, basic interpretation of laboratory results ( blood biochemistry, immunology, radiography, ultrasound, densitometry)

Rheumatoid arthritis

Seronegative Spondarthritis


Connective tissue diseases

Pharmacotheraphy of rheumatic diseases

Physical and rehabilitation treatment of rheumatic diseases

Radiographic examination and imaging procedures in rheumatic diseases

Metabolic diseases of bone (osteoporosis, osteomalacia)          

IV/ Syllabus geriatrics  

Ageing and old age,  theory of ageing, general characteristics

Old age and stress, diseases in the elderly

Physiological changes during ageing, changes in structure and function of organs 

Specificities of clinical symptomatology in the elderly; functional geriatric assessment 

Geriatric syndromes: Instability, vertigo and falls in the elderly 

Geriatric syndromes: Impairment of cognitive functions. Caring family in the Czech Republic 

Pharmacotherapy in the elderly

History in a geriatric patient; diagnostics of pain in patients with advanced dementia  

Functional geriatric assessment. Active geriatric aftercare. Functional evaluation and rehabilitation 

Concept of  geriatric care

Ethical aspects in geriatrics. Life quality. Personal distinction 

Unappropriate pharmacotherapy in the elderly

Case report seminar: Transient cognitive impairment during acute conditions in the elderly       


Information about subject (by Department of radiodiagnostics) is in application Vyuka (