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Internal Medicine II.

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Start of the course,. Patient with an increase in blood pressure.  

Patient with pain in the lower limbs.  

Vomiting patient  

PAtient with weight loss or wtih kachexia  

A pale patient    

Patient with recurrent chest pain.  

Patient with acute  neurological symptoms.  

Patient with pain abdominal pain

Patient with obesity  

Patient with  hepatosplenomegaly    

Patient with heart murmur  

Patient with hemoptysis  

Patient with diarrhoea  

Patient with thyroid enlargement

Patient with spontaneous bleeding  

Patient with chronic shortness of breath and swelling.  

Patient with fever and cough  

Patient with constipation.  

Patient with pituitary/adrenal incidentaloma

Patient with lymphocytosis or lymph node enlargement  

Patient with pathological EKG.

Patient with impaired ventilation parameters

Patient with icterus.  

Patient with hyperglycaemia

Patient treated with cancer chemotherapy and targeted therapy  

Patient with hearth palpitation or with cardiac syncope  

Patient with radiographic findings of lung shadowing or infiltration

Patient with hepatomegaly  

Patient with complications of diabetes

Patient with skeletal pain and pathological elfo protein  

Patient with acute anuria/oliguria / ionic imbalance  

Patient with spontaneous (non-traumatic) fracture

Approved patient with high fever

Patient in shock

Cardiology, angiology

Patient with rapidly deteriorating kidney function  

Patient with subfebrile and butterfly exanthema

Patient with prolonged subfebrile episodes

Patient with disorder of consciousness


Pacient s proteinuria and/or hematuria

Female patient with paintful disability of the joints of both hands  

Patient with fever and disorder of consciousness  

Sudden collapse on the street  

Hematology, oncology

Patient with chronically deteriorating renal function

Patient with painful swelling of the toe joint  

Patient with fever and patological RTG of lungs  

Patient with acute chest pain  


Patient with leukocyturia (and fever/renal dysfunction)  

Patient with acute dyspnoe accompanied by exanthema and  a pressure dropp  

Patient with temperature and dirrhoea  

Patient with acute dyspnoea  

Nefrology, clinical biochemistry  

Patient wih replecement of kidney function  

Patient with recurren infections  

Patient with complications of antibiotic treatment  

Patient with hematemesis or with melena



Training in clinical internal medicine for students in 6th year. Training has a practical and a theoretical part. In the practical part, students participate in the routine medical care of the patient under the supervision of qualified physicians. The students are also obliged to take part in the patients admission and assist by some of the diagnostic and invasive procedures. During the rotating training scheme, students work at the admission of internal patients and at the departments of internal medicine (department of cardiology, pneumology, gastroenterology, hepatology, nefrology, diabetology and endocrinology, hematology and intensive care unit).

This practice can be done in any hospital with the entire spectrum of internal medicine and with unselectited acute admission from the service area. In the seminars, held by senior teachers or professors, lectured subspecialties of internal medicine are discussed. Final state exam: multiple-choice test, practical and oral examination.