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IC - Nuclear Medicine

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


MODULE I C 1st year summer semester


Introduction lecture 2 hours long in the building of school, 2 seminars both 3 hours long at the Departmen of Nuclear Medicine, building H, hospital.


Get information about routine work at the department with the emphasis to the handling of open sources of radioacitivity, risks for patients, monitoring of the working places and staff, how to influence radiation burden to the patients and staff. Demonstration of basic imaging devices and their parts during patient evaluation. Demonstration of imaging as well as non-imaging methods used in the department including processing of images. Production of radionuclides, reactor, cyclotron, generators. Radiopharmaceuticals ? definition, properties, production, quality control. Frequently used radiopharmaceuticals labeled with gamma emitters and positron emitters, radiopharmaceuticals used for therapy.



Introduction to the branch, brief history, content, position in the medicine. Principle of the diagnosis and therapy using open sources, patient and staff protection, parts of the department. Type of radiation, biological effects, protection principles. Basic terms used for image interpretation. Review of frequently used methods. Radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals, features, production, routine clinical use.

Practice: 1st to 3rd hour:

Inspection of the department, basic rules of working safety using open sources, tools for protection, monitoring. Non-imaging and imaging devices, process of image creation. Planar and tomographic imaging, type of data acquisition ? static, dynamic. Digital images ? planar, tomographic, information density, resolution, contrast. Demonstration of images. Digital images processing ? basic operations. 4th to 6th hour:

Basic recapitulation of radioactivity, how to produce radionuclides. Generators, cyclotron. Basic properties of radiopharmaceuticals. Examples of mostly used radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosis and therapy. Pharmacokinetics ? basic principles. Quality control. Good manufacturing practice.


Students will be informed about basic principles of nuclear medicine and its role in the management of patients.