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IB - Cell and Molecular Immunology

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Lectures: Essential Immunology I - Innate immunity - characteristics. Phagocytosis, complement, cells of the inflammation. Antigen, MHC molecules Essential Immunology II - Adaptive immunity - B cells and immunoglobulins, T cells and T cell receptor, T cells subpopulations and function

1. Phagocytosis and inflammation. Phagocyting cells - characteristics ((neutrophil granulocytes, monocytes and macrophages). Development of phagocytes. Proces of phagocytosis: migration and chemotaxis, adherence (opsonisation), endocytosis, phagosome and lysosome. Digestion and extrusion of degraded products. Antimicrobial mechanisms oxygen dependent and independent. NK cells and their role in immune function. Inflammation - local and total defense mechanisms of organism against damage or infection. The role of eosinophilic and basophilic granulocytes in inflammation.

2. Complement, cytokines, membrane molecules of immune cells. Nonspecific humoral immune response. Complement - components and function, split and control fragments. Classical and alternative activation pathway, biological role of complement components. Cytokines - signal molecules of the immune system. Basic classification according their function and origin. CD markers - basic types. Specific receptors of immune cells (Fc, CR) Adhesion molecules

3. B cells (lymphocytes) and immunoglobulins. Specific (adaptive) immune response. B cells - differentiation, typical membrane molecules. Specific receptors of B cells. Structure, classes and biological properties of immunoglobulins. Genes for immunoglobulins - variable domaines gene rearrengement, somatic recombination, isotope switch. The role of B cells in the immune response, activation by antigen, clonal expansion.

4. HLA and antigen presentation. HLA molecules class I and II - structure, properties and their localization in organism. Polymorphism of genes for HLA. Presentation of endogenous and exogenous peptides by HLA molecules, the role of antigen presenting cells, activation of T cells. The role of HLA polymorphism in the immune response, HLA association with diseases.

5. T cells, development and function of TCR. Subpopulations of T cells. Origin and differentiation of T cells (thymus), typical membrane markers. Specific T cells receptor (TCR). Genes for TCR, T helper cells and their function. T cytotoxic cells, mechanisms of cytotoxicity. Regulatory T cells. Immunology synapsis, mechanism of T cell activation.

6. The role of apoptosis in the imunity. Basic characteristics of antigens. Cooperation of specific and nonspecific immune response. The role of the immune system in homeostasis maintenance. Basic principles of imunology methods. Immunology recapitulation in the Module Cell Biology.


The course of Module IB. The course is dedicated to study innate immunity, structure and function of adaptive immunity at the cell level.