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Cognitive behavioural strategies to stress management in medical students and doctors

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


1) Research on academic and examination stress, case studies from students counselling practice, self-evaluation using questionnaires, stress management programme on webpages of the 3rd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.

2) Behavioural strategies in counselling on stress management, self-evaluation using questionnaires, formulating problems, goals and the contract of the counselling process, training counselling interviews.

3) Risk behaviour related to lifestyle, self-evaluating questionnaires, formulating goals of a problem behaviour change, training counselling interviews.

4) Organization, planning, time management, effective learning style, self-evaluating questionnaires, relaxation techniques, group work.

5) Cognitive strategies in management of stress and anxiety, cognitive restructuring (managing dysfunctional thoughts, images, attitudes), group work.

6) Management of social anxiety, assertive communication, communication with an aggressive person, group work.

7) Prevention of burnout in physicians, burnout syndrome (causes, symptoms, consequences), educational programme for physicians.


The course presents cognitive behavioural approaches in counselling on stress management and prevention of burnout in medical students and physicians. Students will present their own experience on stress management and practise basic counselling skills - interview with a client, observation of a client´s behaviour, formulation of problems and goals of the counselling process, explanation of possibilities of a behavioural change (behavioural techniques) and cognitive change (cognitive restructuring).