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Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


1. The origin and nature of Western rationality. People between the myth and the logos.

2. Presocratical period - the problem continuum as a conflict between infinite (of life, movement, space, time) finite (conceptual thinking).

3. Classical Period (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle) and helenistic philosophy ? conflict between sensual and ideal world.

4. Philosophy in the Middle Ages: ratio in the service of faith?

5. Descartes and the modern science (Galileo, Newton, Leibniz).

6. The history of modern philosophy: the concentration of "I".

7. Postmodernism: a search for sobriety.

8. Contemporary philosophy: attempts to find a new rationality.


The course will give a brief overview of the history of Western philosophical thinking as well as present in form of discussion selected philosophical topics which affect the medical issues in the wider sense. The overview of the history of philosophy will make students familiar with its main stages from antiquity to the present.

The selected thematic issues will concern on problems such as origin and nature of Western rationality, human freedom and the emergence of modern science.