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Non-invasive Prenatal Diagnosis

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Prenatal diagnosis - non-invasive methods. Molecular biology methods in prenatal diagnosis.

1. Introduction to prenatal diagnosis (invasive and non-invasive, inclusive of non-invasive diagnosis based on fetal microchimerism phenomenon)

2. Importance of fetal sex determination (indications, invasive and non-invasive methods, management of pregnancies at risk of X-linked disorders and congenital adrenal hyperplasia in fetus)

3. Importance of fetal blood group genotyping (aloimmunisation, fetal erythroblastosis, hemolytic disease of newborn, management of pregnancies at risk, invasive and non-invasive methods)

4. Pathologic placentation (pathogenesis, gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction, invasive placentation, management of pregnancies at risk, non-invasive methods)

5. Chromosomal aneuploidies, autosomal dominant and autosomal recesive disorders -  invasive and non-invasive methods in routine praxis

6. Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis - comprehensive methodology


The non-invasive prenatal diagnosis course gives applicants informations about new possibilities how to obtain genetic informations about fetus during pregnancy from maternal periferal blood. These informations could be determined thanks to the presence of fetal nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) in maternal circulation during pregnancy.

Fetal nucleic acids are present in apoptotic bodies and exosomes derived from placental trophoblasts, which are released to maternal circulation during the remodelation of placenta as a consequence of appoptosis and active transport.