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Czech in Practice III

Předmět na 3. lékařská fakulta |



Family - relatives, special family events, birthdays, marriages, hereditary diseases

Dining, eating habits, dieting and its health aspects, malnutrition, anorexia

Shopping as a hobby or addiction, different aspects, mental health

Telling the way, sightseeing, environment, pollution and health

Travelling, ways of travel, pros and cons, dream holidays

Seasons and weather, personal preferences, seasonal diseases

Daily routine, healthy life style, life style diseases

Partying, clubbing, health effects of alcohol and substance abuse

Most common diagnosis in general practice

My home is my castle, personal preferences, problem of homelessness

Clothes, fashion, generation gap, old people among us, geriatric medicine

Jobs and occupations, a field of medicine I want to specialize in, occupational diseases  


Anotace: semináře jsou zaměřeny na další rozvíjení komunikačních dovedností v mluveném jazyce užívaném jak v každodenním životě, tak v komunikaci studenta medicíny s pacientem.