1. Úvod do problematiky. Hodnocení rizika expozice lékům v těhotenství. Organizace ENTIS. Analgetika, spasmolytika, anti-inflammatory drugs.
\r\n2. Léčba onemocnění žláz s vnitřní sekrecí. Diabetes mellitus a thyreopatie. Léčba kortikoidy.
\r\n3. Nemoci kardiovaskulárního systému a jejich léčba (včetně antikoagulační léčby).
\r\n4. Léčba psychotropními léky: Antiepileptika, antipsychotika, antidepresiva.
\r\n5. Infekční onemocnění a jejich léčba, Infekce jako teratogen. Vakcinace.
\r\n6. Poruchy imunity: autoimunitní onemocnění (RS, nespecifické střevní záněty, RA). Astma a alergie. Transplantace. Nádorová onemocnění
\r\n7. Onemocnění GIT - antiemetika, antiulceróza, antiobezitika.
\r\n8. Léky a kojení.
\r\n9. Expozice otce. Chemikálie v pracovním a životním prostředí. Otravy. Přírodní- volně prodejná léčiva
\r\n10. Experiment - testování embryotoxicity na kuřecím zárodku metodou CHEST. Hodnocení výsledků experimentu.
\r\n11. Prezentace samostatně zpracovaných kasuistik + všeobecná diskuse.
","inLanguage":"cs"},{"@type":"Syllabus","text":"\r\nOrganization of the course - see Vyuka
\r\n1. Introduction. Risk assessment of drugs in pregnancy. ENTIS organization. Analgesics, spasmolytics, anti-inflammatory drugs.
2. Treatment of endocrine glands diseases. Diabetes mellitus and thyreopathy. Treatment with corticosteroids.
3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system and their treatment (including anticoagulant treatment).
4. Treatment with psychotropic drugs: Antiepileptic, antipsychotics, antidepressants.
5. Infectious diseases and their treatment. Infections as teratogen. Vaccination.
6. Immune disorders: autoimmune diseases (MS, inflammatory bowel disease, RA). Asthma and allergies. Transplantation. Cancer.
7. Diseases of GIT - antiemetics, antiulcerosis, antiobesitics.
8. Medicines and breastfeeding.
9. Exposition of father. Chemicals in working and living environment. Poisoning. Natural and over-the-counter medicines
10. Experiment - embryotoxicity testing on chick embryos by CHEST method. Evaluation of experiment results.
11. Presentation of individual case reports + general discussion.
Organization of the course - see Vyuka
1. Introduction. Risk assessment of drugs in pregnancy. ENTIS organization. Analgesics, spasmolytics, anti-inflammatory drugs.2. Treatment of endocrine glands diseases. Diabetes mellitus and thyreopathy. Treatment with corticosteroids.3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system and their treatment (including anticoagulant treatment).4. Treatment with psychotropic drugs: Antiepileptic, antipsychotics, antidepressants.5. Infectious diseases and their treatment. Infections as teratogen. Vaccination.6. Immune disorders: autoimmune diseases (MS, inflammatory bowel disease, RA). Asthma and allergies. Transplantation. Cancer.7. Diseases of GIT - antiemetics, antiulcerosis, antiobesitics.8. Medicines and breastfeeding.9. Exposition of father. Chemicals in working and living environment. Poisoning. Natural and over-the-counter medicines10. Experiment - embryotoxicity testing on chick embryos by CHEST method. Evaluation of experiment results.11. Presentation of individual case reports + general discussion.