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Working with stress

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


1.Endogenous and exogenous stress, similarities and dissimilarities   2.Role of hypothalamo-hypophyseo-adrenal axis in the stress   3.Acute and chronic stress and their effects and differences   4.Corticoids meditated stress and its adversive effects on organism   5.Farmacological stress management   6.Olfactory system, ethology, pheromones and the stress   7.Olfactory hypothesis of the Alzheimer disease origination   8.Mindfulness and awareness techniques of the stress reduction   9.Sleep, circadian rhythms, biological clock and stress   10.Jet lag, shift work, hibernation and stress disorders   11.Phylogenesis of the stress adaptation reaction in the mammals and invertebrates   12.Role of melatonin, dopamin, serotonin and proteins per and tim in the stress regulation


Students would be guieded throught modern concepts of stress origination and management in healthy and disease. Main focus is put on mind theory of the stress origination in accordance with Mind and Life Institute activities.

Modern theories of the brain are being discussed in the light of emerging meditation techniques, these days popular in the Western culture. Also role of game, gaming and theory of games is being discussed.

Especially glosolalia is used as a tool to break down any concepts that may bother the mind. Role of memory is also analyzed, its forming, establishing and creation of new mental systems that are then subject to attention process is teoretically and practically evaluated.