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Clinical Nutrition

Class at Third Faculty of Medicine |


The lectures may be devided in two main study ambits: 1. dietology 2. nutrition in clinically important alteration of health

Part concerning of dietology predominantelly deals with nutrition of persons, which are cured by help of appropriate restrictive diets. The attention is stressed to demand the beast quality of consummed food. Especially this point of view is essential in restrictive diets, for example diet in pancreatitis, gluten-free diet, diet in phenylketonuria and others.

Part concerning of nutrition in severe clinical diseases stressed special form of nutrition in these patients, for example in patients after burn injury, nutrition of patients in emergency units and others.


Subject is in lectured i bacalar study program: Specialisation in public health, branch: General health ? combined form in 3rd year of study. Main bearing are: Physiology and pathophysiology of metabolism ant nutrition.

Examination in alternation of internal environment. Establishing of nutritional demands, means of infusion therapy.

Means of enteral and parenteral nutrition.