Význam zdraví v moderní společnosti, medicinalizace moderní společnosti a života
Psychologické a sociální kořeny zdraví -Salutogenetická teorie A. Antonovského
Odpovědnost za zdraví
Prezentacy vybraných sociálních skupin
Prezentace vybraných problémů péče o zdraví
Introduction to the modern sociology
Meaning of health in the modern society, medicalization of life
Resources of health in psychological and sociological terms - Salutogenic theory of A. Antonovsky
Responsibility for health
Presentation of selected social groups
Presentation of selected health care problems in sociological context
Introduction to the modern sociology Meaning of health in the modern society, medicalization of life Resources of health in psychological and sociological terms - Salutogenic theory of A. Antonovsky Responsibility for health Presentation of selected social groups Presentation of selected health care problems in sociological context
The subject is taught in the 1st year of the bc. programme "Nursing". The subjects consists of basic sociological terms and theories applied to health, disease and modern healthcare as a social system.